Idea Development

In 1993 I was given the opportunity to paint for a month in Yosemite National Park, as Artist-in-Residence. To make the most of my time I painted relatively few large finished paintings and instead traveled about the Park creating dozens and dozens of drawings and quick color sketches. I anticipated that sketches would provide me with many ideas long after my residency period was over.  The sampling of artwork here shows how some of my quick impressions later evolved into more complete expressions.

Study for Morning Defines El Capitan, pen and ink, 8"x 10", Faegre Fine Art

Morning Defines El Capitan, 
pastel, 11"x 13", Faegre Fine Art

Mother and Doe, acrylic, 
9"x 11", Private Collection 

Study for Grazing, pen and ink, 
10" x 12", Faegre Fine Art

     Grazing, pastel, 28" x 42", Private collection